January News!

Hello everybody, I am very sorry for the radio silence these past few weeks, but I was insanely busy with finishing this huge Substance Painter course for CGBoost and it took basically all my time. With that, I am now back and already producing new assets and putting together new scenes for Heroes of Bronze. Which, of course means that there will be new tutorials and behind the scenes videos too!

Also, I decided to present my Greek warrior models in a slightly better way than last time, so here goes. Great fun putting all the assets together into a scene.

And finally, the temple scene is slowly but surely growing. Still a lot of work ahead, characters and little environment details are going to be very important, but I think im on the right track.


Last time, I showed you an improved model of Penelope, so a few days ago I decided to work a bit on the whole scene.


So, that’s it for now! Expect more news in the following days :-)



Martin Klekner

Freelance Director, CG Artist www.martinklekner.com / Blender and Ancient Greece geek www.heroesofbronze.com / Former Cinematic Director for Kingdom Come Deliverance