Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Hello friends!

after the release of the shortfilm, I finally had some rest, and some time to think about the future of the project. Allready, I can tell you it will be an interesting year for Heroes of Bronze.

“The Memory” shortfilm is still going strong, with over 600 000 views and hundreds of comments. I am so glad that audience all over the world is enjoying the video! I’ll mention it again - SHARING and COMMENTING is the best way you can help the short film to spread. So thank you again for your help! 🤗 All the feedback just made me more eager to continue this project with more stories set in the Greco-Persian war period.

The Future of the Project

To make everything clearer, I have created an image that sums up my (very rough) plans. As you can see, “The Memory” shortfilm is just the beginning. My next step is to work on the actual story behind the visuals. I have already written a first short story and a first book (out of 5), and I plan to illustrate these and start publishing them this year.

Check the new About page to learn more.

After that, I am considering several options for my next shortfilm. But no, I am not going to leave this period of Greco-Persian wars. I have deep love for this historical setting and I really want to continue depicting more famous moments set in it.

I actually cannot wait to get back to making illustrations for my story. And there will be a lot of them needed, that’s for sure. The story I have planned is epic, covering both sides of the conflict, starting in 500 BC, going all the way to 479 BC, when the battle of Platea took place.

It will all start, however, with a few short stories, that will build the backstories of the important characters of the story - many of them, you could already see in the shortfilm! Below is a sample page from the first short story “A Few Steadfast Friends”. Coming soon to my Patreon.

If you want to hear me talking about the future of the project, you can actually watch this Livestream, where I put together a little presentation to describe my future plans.

The survey

As part of me going forward with Heroes of Bronze, the audience feedback is very important for me. I’d love to get to know you better - and therefore, I put together this short survey. At the end of the survey, you’ll be able to watch the exclusive Heroes of Bronze “Director’s Commentary” video, where I watch the shortfilm and stop to comment on some of the interesting story, historical and even technical points. Click on the image below to watch it 👇

The Tools of Heroes of Bronze

Also, on my Youtube and social media, I started to post these short behind the scenes videos, where I introduce all the various tools I used when making Heroes of Bronze, with links to my tutorials. If you are interested in creating a project similar to mine, this might be a good starting point for you.

And with that, let me thank you for your time and I hope I picked your interest for the future of the project!



Martin Klekner

Freelance Director, CG Artist www.martinklekner.com / Blender and Ancient Greece geek www.heroesofbronze.com / Former Cinematic Director for Kingdom Come Deliverance