
New Stories & Upcoming Courses

New Stories & Upcoming Courses

Hey there friends, Martin here!

Today, I’d like to tell you a little bit about what I’m currently working on. Apart from Heroes of Bronze, the majority of my time is currently devoted to a new, comprehensive course that I’m once again working on for And while my last course was a bit more technical, focusing on all sorts of ways to make environments in Blender, this time I am going to teach something different.

Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Hello friends!

after the release of the shortfilm, I finally enjoyed some rest. Also, I had some time to think about the future of the project. Already, I can tell you it will be an interesting year for Heroes of Bronze.

“The Memory” shortfilm is still going strong, with over 600 000 views and hundreds of comments. I am so glad that audience all over the world is enjoying the video! I’ll mention it again - SHARING and COMMENTING is the best way you can help the short film to spread. So thank you again for your help! 🤗 All the feedback just made me more eager to continue this project with more stories set in the Greco-Persian war period.

Christmas News! Rendering final shots + new tutorials and breakdowns

Christmas News! Rendering final shots + new tutorials and breakdowns

Hey there everybody, Martin here,

back with the latest news from the world of Heroes of Bronze. I am pleased to say that - besides the regular 3D grind - I’ve been able to make progress in some other, vital parts of the project. First music tests, which I will hopefully be able to reveal in the near future, are being made by my composer Richard Albert and I’ve been able to record some first voiceovers with the actress I’ve picked for the short film. More info in the following months.

Anyway, by far the biggest part of the current process is rendering and animating characters, compositing and generally putting everything together. And while this is the very final stage of video creation, I don’t dare give you any specific release date just yet. I want to make this really great, and if need be, I will take some extra time for polishing.