January News!

Hello everybody, I am very sorry for the radio silence these past few weeks, but I was insanely busy with finishing this huge Substance Painter course for CGBoost and it took basically all my time. With that, I am now back and already producing new assets and putting together new scenes for Heroes of Bronze. Which, of course means that there will be new tutorials and behind the scenes videos too!

Also, I decided to present my Greek warrior models in a slightly better way than last time, so here goes. Great fun putting all the assets together into a scene.

And finally, the temple scene is slowly but surely growing. Still a lot of work ahead, characters and little environment details are going to be very important, but I think im on the right track.


Last time, I showed you an improved model of Penelope, so a few days ago I decided to work a bit on the whole scene.


So, that’s it for now! Expect more news in the following days :-)



November News! New assets, new tutorial and more...

The time flies! Another month is gone and a lot of work has been done on the Heroes of Bronze project. Mainly, I was able to finish the Greek armor and clothing assets for the warriors. The most important parts and armor types are done, from which I can now quickly create variations, to fill my scenes with loads of different looking hoplites!

You can see a preview of the warriors here:

I was also able to do finish the model of the main heroine Penelope, the narrator of the story. I think she improved quite substantially from the previous version, what do you think?

Finally, I have also started a new tutorial series, detailing how I made one of my helmet assets, the Chalcidian type with an archaic crest. In it, you will learn how I modeled and UVed the mesh, how I textured everything in Substance and made the crest in Blender.

I’ve done a lot more work and loads more incoming, so watch out! For example, each free evening, I am now working on this Ionic temple, one of the last building assets I need to finish before I start putting together the final shots.


Thanks to your kind Patreon donations, I am now able to work on the project much more and make better job at it, so I can’t thank enough to all my Patrons! Shoutout especially to Jason Poulin, the highest Tier patron, who allowed me to cross the $100 mark.

Also, one last thing - I was able to finally put together a special page for my '‘Before the Storm’ Teaser Breakdown Course with some neat testimonials, so check it out, if you will :-)



Achieved Goals, New Livestream and 7000 Subscribers!

Great new everyone! Over at Patreon, thanks to a bunch of awesome people who decided to support the project financially, we have now crossed the $100 mark which means… regular once-a-month (and maybe more than that) livestreams! The latest livestream, where I celebrate this fact, happened last week and here’s a first part of its recording (second part coming soon):

Also, over at my Youtube channel, there is now more than 7000 subscribers! So awesome, I want to thank everybody for watching and being interested in the tutorials and the project itself. I am really happy that the project has grown like this in a span of a single year.

More stuff coming soon, so stay tuned!



Toxarchos - a new test scene

Hey guys, lately I put together several scene assembly tests for Heroes of Bronze, one of which turned into a finished artwork. So, just so you don’t miss it, I am posting it here.

Toxarchos - a commander of archers

Ambient Occlusion pass

September News!

Hey guys, even though I haven’t posted too many updates lately, I have been hard at work making new models for the short film. Some of the stuff you could already see at my Twitter and Instagram pages @mklekner so if you’re not already following, consider subscribing there for a lot of behind the scenes stuff :-)

There were some new posts on my Patreon page as well, namely, the cuirass mesh and Gorgon alpha from the timelapse video below and also, these magnificent crest particle presets for Blender!

Also, I posted a new timelapse of my work, this time showing how I created a new variation of one of the Linothorax models. You can watch it here:

 Enjoy and as always, if you want to support the project, just head over to my Patreon page, I’ll be forever grateful :-) https://patreon.com/MartinKlekner



How to Quickly Create Clothing using Blender and Marvelous Designer

Hello friends and welcome to this new tutorial detailing yet another technique I use often when making Heroes of Bronze.

This time we’ll have a look at Marvelous Designer, an awesome tool for creating and simulating clothing. You will learn how I combine MD with Blender, how to create simple garment and cloak in MD, animate it, and export back into Blender.

Hope you like the tutorial and if you want to get the project files and exclusive content, consider supporting this project over at https://www.patreon.com/MartinKlekner :-)

Also, get the mentioned Zach Reinhardt's CGBoost Blender Launch Pad here.


Martin :-)

New Course! Making a Short Film Teaser using Blender Eevee

I just released a new course on my Gumroad - "Making a Short Film Teaser Using Blender Eevee" where I go behind the scenes of my latest Heroes of Bronze teaser, made in Eevee.

More than 100 minutes of Eevee, Blender, Substance Painter and After Effects project breakdowns.

Topics covered:

- How I assembled scenes from the teaser using Blender 2.8 Eevee

- How to light your Eevee scenes and add atmosphere

- How to render from Eevee for easy compositing

- How to create 3D and 2D soldiers for your armies

- How to add image skies and use HDR images to light realtime scenes

- How to simulate particles and bake cloth sims

- Adding Megascans to your scenes

and more...


WARNING: These are NOT step by step tutorials, rather breakdown videos, summarizing the workflow I used to create the "Before the Storm" teaser...

Also, some historical fun facts about Ancient Greece are of course a must :-)



Behind the Scenes Articles on BlenderNation!

Hello, friends of Heroes of Bronze! Wonderful news, recently, two articles were published at BlenderNation, where I talk in detail about how I got to working on Heroes of Bronze.

In the first article, I talk a bit about my career, but mostly about what influenced me to start creating Heroes of Bronze, how I approach my projects and generally, what I would recommend for your own projects.

The second article is a Behind the Scenes piece, all about the “Before the Storm” teaser - how I created my assets, how I studied reference, what learned working with Eevee and Blender 2.8 and loads of other info.

Hope you’ll like both of them! It’s my first time being featured like this, so I am very excited about these articles! :-)

